Ethics: consequentialism vs. deonthology
Just yesterday I had a big argument with my love on ethics. And it wasn't even the first time. A lapsed catholic, brought up in a very religious family, my dear one is, as should be expected, strongly on the side of Kant, and his categoric imperative. I, on the other hand, was brought up in a catholic country, but was never one, neither was the education I received from my parents. In addition, my parents had very different, and often incompatible moral perspectives, which compelled me, from an early age, to develop my own set of beliefs. Not necessarily the ones that were offered to me by the catholic tradition of those around me, but not necessarily against it either. In doing so, in attempting my lonely way into ethics, albeit strongly influenced by the ideas I was familiar with, I become necessarily a consequentialist, with a good mix of judeo-christian, and Kantian humanistic tradition. Strangely enough, starting from very different directions, my beloved and I arrived exac...