Disgrace is a very hard read. Its main character, a white middle-aged South African man, is a despicable man, but what will happen to him during the course of this short novel is a lot more than he or anyone else deserves. Without giving much of the plot away, I will only say that a lot will happen to him and his once comfortable life will change dramatically and irrevocably for the much worse in a short period of time. In this sense, this a coming of age story. Not the traditional coming of age that corresponds to the transition from childhood to adulthood, but that of a middle-aged man who has lived a protected and privileged life so far, but, as he starts to enter old age, discovers the world is a cruel place to most people (and animals). In my view, Disgrace's main subject is white man's privilege and the loss of some of it in the contemporary world and specifically in post-apartheid South Africa. Sexual harassment, racial conflict, sexual identity, animal rights and land...