Before we begin Left- or right-leaning decreases are called left- or right-leaning because that is the way they look on the right-side of the work (RS). In particular, this refers to the inclination of the stitch that stays on top as seen from the RS. This is also true for double decreases. Also, in the case of the centered double decrease, it is the central stitch (of the 3 involved in this decrease) that stays on top when seen from the RS (this stitch does not lean in any direction). Therefore, stitches which are worked on the wrong side of the work (WS), as described below, look exactly the same as their RS counterparts. In case you're wondering, all these stitches look very similar on the WS (see the photos on this post ). Another important difference between left- or right-leaning decreases is that they have the effect of pulling the fabric in their respective direction. This effect becomes very visible when decreases are stacked, i.e. when the same decrease is worked on...