
Showing posts from August, 2022

Invisible bind-off for 1x1 Ribs

The invisible bind-off is by far the best bind-off for 1x1 ribs , this includes the Brioche and the Twisted Ribs, besides the standard 1x1 Rib. It's known by many names, including Italian bind-off . It is also known as the Kitchener Stitch Bind-off , because it's equivalent to a standard Kitchener Stitch Bind-off, if you alternately move the stitches to two separate needles (the knit stitches in one, the purl in the other) and then proceed to join them while binding off, like you'd do to the toes of a sock, for example. Actually, if you prefer to memorize only one technique, you could always do it like that. But, I personally find moving stitches to two other needles too much hassle and prefer to work the stitches directly on the working needle. In this post, I'm going to write down the written instructions for this bind-off. If you prefer to learn visually this post has the same instructions presented as video tutorials. The instructions are slightly different if ...

Bullet Journal: Supplies

This is a series of short posts. Here you can find with links to all of them and and an introduction to this subject. What do you need to start a BJ? To be honest only a notebook and a pencil or pen to write. The notebook doesn't even need to be empty (write the Index section at the end of the notebook in this case). That said, there are plenty of options when it comes to stationery and you may find that some will make keeping a BJ more pleasurable. Pens, pencils, brushes There is so much choice on the market that I'm not going to dare any recommendations. Just use whatever you prefer. If you're into illustration or artwork, coloured pencils and pens and even watercolour can be used, as long as your notebook can handle them, as discussed below. Notebooks Any will do, but keep in mind: notebooks that stay flat are much more convenient. if you're going to use colour, use paper of good enough quality to support it (this depends on the kind of ink you...

Bullet Journal: Collections

This is a series of short posts. Here you can find with links to all of them and and an introduction to this subject. Collections are pages for all kinds of random stuff: trackers (habits, activities, tasks, etc), lists (to-do, shopping, books, movies, ideas), notes (projects, plans, etc.), artwork (doodling, etc), graphs, charts, etc. They are personalised by definition. Trackers are particular useful. They are different than lists, because they register date/time. They are a way to keep track of particularly important tasks or activities (instead of adding them as entries in the general daily log where they would be mixed with everything else). Trackers can be added at the end of every monthly log or separately. Ideas for trackers: food, fitness, finance, habits/hobbies, house chores. Other useful ideas: a to-do list for regular tasks, if you want to keep a regular schedule for house chores and other tasks, for example. a regular shopping list (l...

Bullet Journal: Daily Log

This is a series of short posts. Here you can find with links to all of them and and an introduction to this subject. Add a new section each day on the daily log. Start with the date and add tasks as you go. Check for unfinished tasks on previous days and add them. Personalise: to make it more attractive or more legible, use dividers (for example boxes) and decorative effects (like colours, drawings, labels). horizontal or vertical layout

Bullet Journal: Monthly Log

This is a series of short posts. Here you can find with links to all of them and and an introduction to this subject. What was said for the future log is valid for the monthly log: here you keep track of events and appointments for this month. You can copy any entry to your daily log later or not. Start a new one every month. At the beginning of every month, check previous month for unfinished tasks and add them here. Continue adding entries as you need. Recommended format: On the first page (left-sided page) create a line for each day, like this: June 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 S ... Note: if you regularly have a lot of appointments and one line a day is not enough, consider adding weekly logs to your journal or creating your own format. On the 2nd page make a task list. A task list is a blank section where you add lines when needed. Personalise: add regular monthly collections (ex: trackers). colour code. on 1st p...