A sweater in the making: first post
I know I should be finishing one of the many work-in-progress projects I have, but inspired by my previous post I've decided to start a new sweater for my husband. Don't ask yourself why am I always knitting sweaters for him, against the advice of so many knitters who never knit large projects for other people, and considering that he has never been too enthusiastic about it. I'm not a wise person when it comes to my husband and knitting. So here I'm again... set on knitting him a sweater he truly loves. Here I must clarify that he does wear the sweater I've knitted him a lot, but I feel he doesn't love it enough. I know I don't, that sweater is far from perfect. So here I begin documenting the whole process of knitting a sweater. Something a lot of other knitters have attempted and that I, although not explicitly, had promised not to do on one of my first posts, the one where I stated my intentions on writing this blog (the one about not adding more usele...