On the making of a cardigan III: front pieces

16st horseshoe cable (8 row repeat)

purl side version

Odd rows (RS): knit 16 st
Rows 2, 6, 8: purl 16 st
Row 4: RC8, LC8

RC8/LC8: slip 4 st to cable needle and hold in front/back, purl 4 st then purl stitches on cable needle.

knit side version

Rows 1, 3, 7 (RS): knit 16 st
Even rows: purl 16 st
Row 5: LC8, RC8

RC8/LC8: slip 4 st to cable needle and hold in back/front, knit 4 st then knit stitches on cable needle.
In my swatch I'd worked both a 12st and a 16st horseshoe cable and I've decided I prefer the 16st one. I'm going to knit a panel of this cable on the front pieces. The 16st horseshoe is a 8 row repeat pattern with one single row with two cable crosses and all other rows in stockinette stitch. So this is a very simple cable and you can find the details in the yellow panel on the right (I like working the crosses on the purl side, but most people prefer to work them on the knit side, I include instructions for both).

I've mentioned selvedge stitches on my previous post and stated I'd not include them in the pattern, but I've changed my mind. Selvedge stitches will be marked with the label SE and you can choose your preferred method to knit them or simply exclude them. It's your choice. I simply knit them, i.e. SE stands for k1, which corresponds to a garter selvedge. The pattern starts with 11 rows of 2x2 rib and continues in reverse stockinette stitch with the aforementioned 16 st cable embedded.


Cast-on 32 stitches + 2 selvedge stitches (optional)

2x2 rib (11 rows)

odd rows (WS): SE, (p1, k2, p1) repeat up to last st, SE
even rows: SE, (k1, p2, k1) repeat up to last st, SE

reverse stockinette and cable

(start at row 12):
left sideright side
even rows ES, p10, cable 16, p6, ESES, p6, cable 16, p10, ES
odd rows ES, k6, cable 16, k10, ES ES, k10, cable 16, k6, ES
cable 16 means work the next 16 stitches has described in the yellow panel.

Work all rows as described in the table bellow up to row 63 for right side and row 64 for left side, then start the armhole shaping.

Armhole shaping

Left side, row 65: Bind-off 4 stitches, ES and continue to work established pattern.
Right side, row 64: Bind-off 4 stitches, ES and continue to work established pattern.

Rows 66, 68 and 70:
left side right side
ES, knit pattern, k2tog, k1, ES ES, k1, ssk, knit pattern, ES
Other rows, knit established pattern. 27 stitches remaining (including 2 ES).

Continue knitting in the established pattern until row 75. Then start the collar shaping.

Collar shaping

Rows 76-87:
left side right side
even rows ES, k1, ssk, knit pattern, ES ES, knit pattern, k2tog, k1, ES
odd rows ES, knit pattern, ssp, p1, ES ES, p1, p2tog, knit pattern, ES
At some point, the collar shaping decreases will start "eating up" the cable stitches and this means that the last of the cable crossing rows will include only 1 cross. 15 st remain.

Continue to work in pattern up to row 98 (this includes one more row with a single cross on the cable).

Shoulder shaping

left side right side
Row 98: ES, knit established pattern, ES
Row 99: BO 5 st, ES, knit established pattern, ES
Row 100: BO
Row 98: BO 5 st, ES, knit established pattern, ES
Row 99: ES, knit established pattern, ES
Row 100: BO


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