Inherited garden: Daffodils

Here I start a series of post about my garden. This is an inherited garden planted by the previous owner. I have never taken care of a garden before and I must learn, not only to keep a garden, but, more specifically, how to keep and care for the garden I have. In this series I will collect information on maintenance care.

The photo on the left was taken in mid March, before most flowers started to bloom. There are a few camellias on the back and a few daffodils in front. Soon afterwards, the camellia was covered in beautiful rose blooms and the daffodils were legion. Unfortunately this did not last for too long. No time for dwelling on it, a myriad of tulips soon replaced them.


Minimal care:

Remove daffodil blooms as soon as they fade; otherwise, the bulbs will exert considerable energy attempting to create seeds. However, remove only the bloom, not the leaves and stem.

Let the leaves dry and then, when it starts turning yellow, cut the plant down to its bulb (snip them off at the base, or twist the leaves while pulling lightly).


- Plant bulbs in Fall: let about 7cm soil covering.
- Can be planted from seed but take about 5 years to flower.
- Divide daffodils every three to five years, or whenever you notice that flowers are smaller in size or number. Divide the plant when the foliage is dying but still visible so you can see where to dig.

A good link and a video.


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